OTE - Special Report

Started by Stephanos, March 10, 2011, 12:40:06

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My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Η μετοχή επιχειρεί το γέμισμα του καθοδικού χάσματος τιμών.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Η σύγκλιση των κινητών μέσων και το λευκό κερί μας προετοιμάζουν για πιθανό μεσοπρόθεσμο αγοραστικό σήμα.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on September 21, 2015, 11:05:27
Η σύγκλιση των κινητών μέσων και το λευκό κερί μας προετοιμάζουν για πιθανό μεσοπρόθεσμο αγοραστικό σήμα.

Δεν τα κατάφερε να υπερβεί τους κρίσιμους κινητούς μέσους ...
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on September 28, 2015, 11:15:10
Δεν τα κατάφερε να υπερβεί τους κρίσιμους κινητούς μέσους ...
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Αυτή είναι η τελευταία δοκιμασία πριν οι μεσοπρόθεσμοι κινητοί μέσοι διασταυρωθούν ανοδικά.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on October 18, 2015, 07:13:57
Αυτή είναι η τελευταία δοκιμασία πριν οι μεσοπρόθεσμοι κινητοί μέσοι διασταυρωθούν ανοδικά.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Retest στον 100άρη ...
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on October 18, 2015, 07:13:57
Αυτή είναι η τελευταία δοκιμασία πριν οι μεσοπρόθεσμοι κινητοί μέσοι διασταυρωθούν ανοδικά.

Το μεσοπρόθεσμο αγοραστικό σήμα επιβεβαιώνεται ...
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


H μετοχή είναι έτοιμη για μεσοπρόθεσμο αγοραστικό σήμα σύμφωνα με τους εβδ. κινητούς μέσους που χρησιμοποιούμε.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.