VIX Index

Started by Stephanos, December 15, 2007, 11:01:49

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My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Στο χαμηλότερο επίπεδο από το 2007.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


To 'ανεπίσημο' εβδομαδιαίο κερί.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Η Διάσπαση.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Κάποια διευκρίνηση;


Quote from: chrismet on December 10, 2014, 14:22:55
Κάποια διευκρίνηση;

O VIX είναι ο δείκτης φόβου. Όταν αυτός ανεβαίνει τότε αυτό σημαίνει πως η αγορά αρχίζει να φοβάται ...
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Πάνω από τις 20 μον.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Κλείσιμο στο χαμηλότερο σημείο του έτους.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, you'll be a man." Rudyard Kipling


US fear index Vix jumps by 34% to highest level since Feb as Wall Street seems to fear a Greek Lehman.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Είναι ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα μαύρα κεριά των τελευταίων χρόνων.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, you'll be a man." Rudyard Kipling


λέτε να τελείωσε ο πανικός που ξεκίνησε το καλοκαίρι του '15?
"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, you'll be a man." Rudyard Kipling


reversal σε κρίσιμο σημείο για τους δείκτες?
"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, you'll be a man." Rudyard Kipling


νομίζω ότι ένα spike προς το 21 είναι άμεσο.
"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, you'll be a man." Rudyard Kipling


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.