ΟΠΑΠ - Special Report

Started by Stephanos, October 12, 2011, 11:51:38

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My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Η μετοχή προσεγγίζει τα σημαντικά στηρίγματα που έχω αναφέρει στα προηγούμενα σχόλια.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Το μεγάλο μαύρο εβδομαδιαίο κερί στοιχειώνει τη μετοχή. Θα μπορούσαν ωστόσο να δημιουργηθούν οι συνθήκες για τη δημιουργία ενός πυθμένα στα παρόντα επίπεδα.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Στήριξη στο επίπεδο που η αγορά και η μετοχή αγαπούν ... πρόκειται για το τελευταίο και πιο δυνατό οχυρό των αγοραστών.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Αυτός φαίνεται να είναι επιθετικός σχηματισμός ....
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on December 29, 2015, 12:43:39
Αυτός φαίνεται να είναι επιθετικός σχηματισμός ....

My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on December 20, 2015, 05:31:40
Στήριξη στο επίπεδο που η αγορά και η μετοχή αγαπούν ... πρόκειται για το τελευταίο και πιο δυνατό οχυρό των αγοραστών.

My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Η μετοχή καταγράφει την υψηλότερη τιμή κλεισίματος για το 2016.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.